Rose & Calendula Body Oil
Rose & Calendula Body Oil
The Rose & Calendula body oil is a wonderful addition to your skin care. Apply after bathing or to areas of concern to add extra moisture to your skin while boosting it with the medicinal properties of the herbs.
Herbal infused oils are a wonderful and easy way to use herbs. The topical application allows the medicinal properties to be absorbed by your skin, the largest organ of the body.
Both Rose and Calendula have wonderful skin healing capabilities.
Rose helps to cool inflamed tissues, while bringing more tone to the area. Wonderful for irritated skin rashes or skin that is puffy.
Calendula is an excellent wound healer! It helps to move the lymph which decreases inflammation within the tissues. Also, a wonderful herb to think of when dealing with sunburn!
This infused oil has no added scent. The scent is that of Sweet Almond Oil but the medicinal quality of the herbs is still amazing! Should you desire a more aromatic oil, you may add your own essential oils, but then be mindful of using on your face or around the eyes.
Ingredients: Rose Petals, Calendula infused in Sweet Almond Oil and Vitamin E (tocopherol and safflower oil)
Packaged in a 2 oz clear bottle.