Earache Oil


Earache Oil


Mullein Flower Oil is an excellent topical remedy when it comes to ear infections and earache. This infused oil may also help to soften/dislodge any hardened wax that has created a blockage within the canal. This remedy can be used when one experiences any type of pain in the ear. A wonderful anodyne that may help to relieve the nerve pain associated with ear infections and even swimmer’s ear.

Do not use if the eardrum has perforated, you have active discharge coming out of the ear, or are experiencing changes in hearing along with the earache.

Dosage: place 3-5 drops directly into the external ear canal up to 3 times a day

This infused oil has no added scent. The scent is that of Olive Oil but the medicinal quality of the herbs is still amazing!

Ingredients: Mullein Flower infused in Olive Oil

Packaged in a 0.5oz amber bottle.

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