What is life but one constant season of change. Some that are extremely easy and feel so good while others make you crumple and unravel all aspects of your life. Each and everyday we are asked to make choices. Choices that bring us closer to our heart and aligned with our soul or others that move us farther from center. We get caught up in what others think we are worth or what they want for us. We get stuck in the rut of not wanting to change because it feels scary. We choose to stay in the roles of what we set out for ourselves years ago, making us frustrated and feeling stuck. Moving outside of these restrictions, these ideals and beliefs creates change and brings you to the exact point of where you are supposed to be. Some of these are just stepping stones to even greater things, but without that stepping stone, you would not have found the next path.
We, as adults, have troubles with change, yet we expect our children to just flow with whatever is front of them. Our children have not yet learned to not trust their intuition, so perhaps they see a vision for the whole family that you cannot see because of the ideals and expectations you have placed on yourself as to what a being a mom means to you. We make a choice to ignore their questions, their needs because we are stuck in a place of thinking we know what is best for everyone or that this is what is expected so you must comply.
It is time we all move past this reality, our children are so connected, their intuition so clear and not obstructed by out-dated beliefs. We need to take time to listen to them, their wisdom is beyond their earthly years. They know and have visions for their lives too and who are we to stop or shut them down. Yes, sometimes the timing isn’t right, but its important to explain this to them and not just say no. We may think we know what is best for them, but that is our perspective of their needs. We need to take time to get out of our own heads, let go of our perspective and listen. Our children have so much to teach us, if we take the time. They too, have choices to make each and every day. If we step in and make all the decisions for them they will not learn to listen to their intuition, they will not find the stepping stones that they need, they will not make mistakes and learn from them.
Just some words of wisdom that needed to be shared based on the season of change our family has gone through. We were not ready for this transition until now, but they had the vision for over two years. Two years that I was not ready or willing to see their vision because of my beliefs. It took two years for all of us to further grow together and be ready for this moment of transition. If you take anything from this, it is to listen to your children. No matter how silly or far fetched their ideas seem, perhaps their vision is the change that is needed. Perhaps, they can see the next steps because they have yet to be molded into what society imposes upon us and that they can see beyond your beliefs.