Valerian Flower Essence
Valerian Flower Essence
Flower essences are wonderful, gentle and subtle vibrational medicines that help to create shifts within our mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Creating flower essences is a ritualistic process in which you infuse the energic qualities of the flower into water and dilute it further creating a homeopathic medicine. The subtle essence helps to shift our imbalances and traumas that are stored in our tissues, allowing for gentle and beautiful transformations.
Valerian Flower Essence assists with:
becoming independent
creating a better sleep routine
decreasing excess fire in the body (anger, frustration, hot flashes, etc)
healing the inner child
setting boundaries when it comes to carrying the load of others
surrendering to times of rest and nurturing ourselves
reducing the need for external validation
being open to receiving new information and broadening your perspective
increasing your love of self and your self-esteem
beneficial for those who felt unloved during childhood, those who feel alone or hopeless, those who have difficulty relaxing the mind and body, those needed to feel more peace and calm in life
Directions: shake bottle and take 1-4 drops under the tongue or mixed with water, up to 4 times a day
Ingredients: filtered water, brandy and vibrational infusion of Valerian Flowers
Packaged in a 1oz amber bottle