Plantain Leaf - Premium
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Plantain Leaf - Premium
from CA$8.50
*grown in my chemical free gardens*
Plantain Leaf (Plantago Major)
Taste: Bitter, Astringent
Energetics: Cooling, mixed drying and moistening, tonic
Actions: Diuretic, Vulnerary, Demulcent, Inflammation Modulating, Antiseptic, Moistening Expectorant
Affinities: Mucosal Membranes, Urinary Tract,m Respiratory System, Digestive System, Teeth/Mouth/Gums
Preparations: Tincture, Herbal Infusion, Succus, Infused Oil, Poultice
Contraindications: no known contraindications
Herb-Drug Interaction: may decrease the absorption of lithium, caution when taking Warfarin