Horsetail - Organic
Horsetail - Organic
from CA$4.00
*purchased organic herb*
Horsetail (Equisetum Arvense)
Taste: Sweet, Salty
Energetics: Cooling, Drying, Tonic
Actions: Diuretic, Nutritive Tonic, Nervine Trophorestorative, Alterative, Astringent
Affinities: Urinary System, Cardiovascular System, Musculoskeletal System, Nervous System
Preparations: Infusion, Decoction, Tincture, Poultice, Oxymel, Infused Honey/Vinegar
Contraindications: not recommended for long-term use as it is very drying in nature. the mineral/silica content may irritate the kidneys with prolonged use. Contraindicated when one is recommended to reduce their fluid intake, also to those with impaired function of the heart or kidneys.
Herb-Drug Interaction: Cardiac Glycosides
Only 3 available
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Only 2 available