Fennel Flower Essence


Fennel Flower Essence


Flower essences are wonderful, gentle and subtle vibrational medicines that help to create shifts within our mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Creating flower essences is a ritualistic process in which you infuse the energetic qualities of the flower into water and dilute it further, creating a homeopathic medicine. The subtle essence helps to shift our imbalances and traumas that are stored in our tissues, allowing for gentle and beautiful transformations.

Fennel Flower Essence assists with:

  • clarity to move forward by leaving the past behind

  • seeing potential in all things

  • acknowledging your own Divinity

  • seeing our own confidence and accomplishments in life

  • acknowledging not only your own healing journey but understanding that others are on their own as well to be able to understand the actions of others

  • energetic support when having to enter draining environments

  • opening our eyes to the bigger picture

  • balancing physical energy

  • improving memory

  • beneficial for those who have experienced trauma that has affected their memory, those who are undergoing great changes in life, those who need more understanding when dealing with others, those who have eye problems, those who lack confidence in achieving their goals, those who downplay their accomplishments

Directions: shake bottle and take 1-4 drops under the tongue or mixed with water, up to 4 times a day

Ingredients: filtered water, brandy and vibrational infusion of Fennel Flowers

Packaged in a 1oz amber bottle

Only 1 available
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