Essential Oil Roller Blends

Breathe Easy.JPG
Moon Time Balance.JPG
Pain Relieving.JPG
Tummy Ease.JPG
Breathe Easy.JPG
Moon Time Balance.JPG
Pain Relieving.JPG
Tummy Ease.JPG

Essential Oil Roller Blends


These Essential Oil Roll-ons are being discontinued and are on clearance.

Grapeseed Oil is used as the carrier oil in all roller blends.

Pain Relieving: helps to assist the body in decreasing inflammation that is present and relieving any pain you may be experiencing. Helpful in cases of headaches, daily aches and pains or pain as a result of trauma. **not recommended for children, do not used on open wounds**

Moon Time Balance: assists your body in finding balance emotionally, spiritually and physically as you move through your menstrual cycle

Breathe Easy: assists the body in opening up the chest, sinuses and respiratory channels.

Tummy Ease: helps relieve the digestive upsets that can happen with over-indulgence, nausea, eating problematic foods, bloating, or sickness.

Focus: a blend that elevates your mental clarity to overcome all the day to day distractions and keep your mind on task.

Energize: a blend to uplift your spirit and help you feel more energized. This blend has a minty and citrusy aroma, perfect for those sleepy mornings or afternoon slumps where you need a boost to get moving.

Disclosure: This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using essential oil products.

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