Anti-Bleed Tea
Anti-Bleed Tea
This medicinal tea is blended with the home-birthing mother’s in mind. This blend is an excellent thing to keep in your toolbox for your upcoming home birth. Formulated with herbs that are known for helping with postpartum hemorrhage. All packaged together and ready to go, come time for labour and delivery. As you are nearing the end of your labour, have someone brew this tea for you and sip once the baby has been delivered.
This following herbs are indicated for:
Rose: uterine tonic helping to bring the uterus back down to normal size postpartum
Yarrow: assists to regulate the flow of blood to and from the surface, assists the body in stopping excessive bleeding
Shepherd’s Purse: assists the body in stopping excessive bleeding
Cinnamon: warming and toning the tissues, opens peripheral blood flow to decrease local bleeding
Fennel Seeds: stimulate milk production while warming the tissues
Add contents to 5 cups boiling water . Steep covered up to 20 minutes strain and sweeten as needed. Drink shortly after baby is born to help with the release of the placenta and postpartum bleeding.
Ingredients: Rose (Rosa spp.), Yarrow Flower (Achillea Millefolium), Shepherds Purse (Capsella Bursa-Pastoris), Cinnamon Stick (Cinnamomum spp.) and Fennel (Foeniculum Vuldare)
This blend of tea is overall warming and drying to the body constitution.
**All ingredients are certified organic or grown and harvested from my chemical free gardens**